I am an everyday artist, a journal keeper, watercolor painter, stone carver, author and teacher. Ships, bridges, light houses, barns and buildings materialize on the pages of my journals- seals, sea lions, whales and bears emerge from the stones I carve. My creative impetus is the maritime environment of Puget Sound, the island where I live and the Pacific Northwest in general. I am a passionate journal keeper, beginning each day writing in my journal in the quiet of the early morning. On my walks and in my daily travels, my sketching gear is ever ready to record whatever moves me to expression. The time I allow for writing, sketching, painting, carving and teaching significantly enhances my awareness of all things that matter to me. I know my spirit and my spiritual experience are emboldened by these practices.
To see more of my work and that of my wife, artist Christine Beck, go to our studio website at www.waterworksonvashon.com.
Contact me at darsiebeck@yahoo.com and 206/669-0745